Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This Is How Some Bus Drivers Spend Their Lunch Break

This is a picture we took the other day while leaving The Regal Seagull offices. The offices that totally exist and totally aren't made up.

This picture is of a school bus.

Parked in front of the state wine store.

Now let's think about this for a minute. Sure, we could judge the busdriver for buying alcohol at the state wine store in between shifts. But if you drove children around for a living, wouldn't you also give in to your vices? Of course you would. Everyone would.

So the next time you take your children to board a morning school bus being driven by a bloodshot-eyed bus driver who's groggily taking a swig from his paper bag, remember: he drives children around for a living.

Be sure to thank him. Thank him for driving America's children. He'll appreciate it, as we weaves in and out of incoming traffic.

Thank you, bus driver.

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