Friday, October 24, 2008

Don't Ride TRAX If It's On Fire

A Regal Seagull staff member was riding TRAX the other day, and got off at the 1300 South station. He noticed a mural painted to the immediate right of the station, and couldn't help but notice that part of the mural depicted a TRAX train.

Flying off the tracks.

Flying off the tracks and on fire.

Let's be honest with ourselves. There are some warnings that don't necessarily need to be followed.

"The Surgeon General says not smoke, puff puff puff."
"Medical advice warns against drinking while pregnant, glug glug glug."
"Don't drive while talking on a cell phone? Doesn't apply to me!"
"Of course we can operate heavy machinery after taking this sleep medication!"
"Oops, dropped my wedding ring down the garbage disposal - here, let me get that."

Don't do this, don't do that. Warning warning warning.

But the day we see a mural depicting a train on fire while simultaneously flying off the track, to the immediate right of the very train we just descended?

That is a warning we will heed.

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