Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stuff You Guys Better Stop Saying

"It's Beer-O-Clock" - Try saying that at some biker bar and see what those dudes do to you. (HINT Your medical insurance does not cover foreign objects in your ass)

"My Bad" - Ever hear the most annoying sound in the world? It will be your whining after I slap you. Nuff said.

"Nuff Said" - Did I just say that? Holy christ what was I thinking? I was thinking that I am starring in my own Kid N' Play movie.

"Chillax" - I don't let my teenage daughter say it because she sounds like a moron every time that phrase is uttered. You are 40! Stop it!

"Anal" - As in describing a person as having an anal personality. Yuck

"Fo Sho" - You are a white, overweight, middle-aged executive. You have never seen the hood, and the only black person you know is the intern from Kenya in your office.

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