Monday, November 3, 2008

Go To Hell Trunk or Treat!

As an avid home haunter, you know, those guys that decorate their lawns with lots of Halloween props in hopes to lure in young trick or treaters and then mercilessly scaring them beyond belief so that they have nightmares for the rest of their childhood, I absolutely love Halloween. But this year, my chances for scaring the hell out of the little punks of my neighborhood were squashed because of the scourge known as "Trunk or Treat".

People park their cars in rows at the local church house parking lot, open their trunks, and pass out candy there. I know, it is a safe environment, with no chances of predators swiping one of those precious angels, and it greatly reduces the chance of them getting hit by a car. But seriously, I had a total of five kids! I wait all year to scare those miscreants. It is like a drug for me, my fix. But no. Trunk or Treat has swooped in and taken my scary thunder.

I am writing my local congressman and getting a law passed or something.

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